About Synergy Soup Synergy Soup Clients Synergy Soup Philosophy Synergy Soup in the Press Hosting Services of Synergy Soup

..."In the 6 years that Frank has hosted our site, it has NEVER been off-line or unavailable."

- Darla Bowen
Vice President of Marketing
The Lansing Lugnuts

Michigan Automobile Dealers Association

Michigan Concrete
Paving Association

View our Subsidiaries:


Synergy Soups’ servers are connected via redundant, 5 multi-homed T3 connections from Nap.net, UUNET, PCI.net, and Sprint.net thereby providing assurances that traffic will be routed in the most efficient manner. The redundancy is also essential in the event one of our upstream providers has a problem; in this case our other T3 lines are available to "pick up the slack".  Our operating systems are on Linux Red Hat.  File Transfers will be made via FTP.  CGI Services are available as well as CGI-BIN to hold interactive subscripts to be run on the site. Available to you is 800MB of storage space and 25 GIGs of monthly file transfer (bandwidth). You will have logs provided.  You may look at a sample of our access logs by contacting us at 517.627.1900.


We guarantee our server is very secure.  Our server uses standard 40-bit Verisign SSL certificates, enabling 128-bit SSL encryption with domestic version Microsoft and Netscape browsers, and industry 40-bit SSL with export-version browsers.  The SSL security protocol provides data encryption, server authentication, message integrity, and optional client authentication for a TCP/IP connection.  Server side SSL software is Apache SSL.

While we guarantee a very secure server - We have a strategic partner that offers "Cyber Insurance" for all of our e-commerce clients for your total protection!
Click here to meet our Cyber Insurance partner!

Our Hosting accounts include:

Unique domain name

Unique IP address

T3 Connections

24 hour Telnet access

24 hour FTP access


Web-based control panel for account management

Unlimited email support

Referrer logging

Extensive online user’s manual

POP email addresses with unlimited aliases

E-mail forwarding

Unlimited mail redirection

WebShell – Web based account manager


Server Side

Anonymous FTP (by request)

Password-protected pages


Listserv / mailing list (majordomo)

Apache SSL Secure Server

24 hours monitoring

Real Audio

Ready to use Counter Scripts

Postgre SQL (SQL database software)

Automated Web Bulletin Board generator

W3-mSQL (mSQL interface)

Java Chat Room

PGP (encryption)

Miva (powerful, HTML based language)

Cgiemail (email forms)

MSQL and Mysql (database software)


MSQL-PERL (mSQL interface to PERL)


HTGREP (site research)

Web-based email management of forwarding and redirection


Web Server Apache
Machines Intel Pentium based with
256 MB or more RAM
Secure Web Server Apache SSL Stronghold
Operating System Linux Red hat (Unix-based)
Internet Connections 5 Multi-homed redundant T3s
Back-bone Connections Nap.net , UUNET, PCI.net, Sprint.net

e-mail: info@synergysoup.com
Grand Ledge, MI 48837